menstrual cycle

Cycle Syncing: An Efficient Way to Hijack your Period

Tired of dancing at the whims of your hormones?

Sometimes hormones can seem like an impulsive, temperamental teenage brat - unpredictable and difficult. Fluctuations in hormones can maneuver our bodily responses like puppets on strings. Hence, it is imminent to understand these hormones and learn to manage them.

Throughout lockdown, lifestyle changes have been commonplace. Healthy lifestyle, vegan lifestyle, ‘that-girl’ lifestyle, and so on. However, very few of us have paid attention to our periods in that aspect. Why not have a fancy lifestyle for our periods?

Cycle Syncing is one such menstrual wellness trend that has recently gained popularity as a set of lifestyle choices based on our menstrual cycle. This term was coined and trademarked by Alisa Vitti in her book WomanCode. Vitti is a Functional Nutritionist and Women’s Health Expert.

Cycle Syncing is a way to harness and maximize hormonal power and to better understand menstrual shifts. It is claimed to be especially beneficial for people who have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), are overly fatigued, want their libido back, and are overweight. It is basically like hijacking the different phases your body goes through to use them to your advantage.

Balancing your hormones begins with understanding the 28-day hormone cycle. It is governed by a special biological rhythm called “infradian rhythm”. There are 4 phases of infradian rhythm.




Phase 1: The Follicular Phase

Duration: 7 to 10 days after your periods

What’s happening in your body: 

The follicles (pods containing eggs) ripen and one of the egg matures. The reproductive organs are at the lowest in the initial part of this phase and a rise in estrogen is seen later in the phase. As the ovaries get ready to release the egg, the inner lining of the uterus starts to thicken.

You're likely to experience a growing interest in planning out new things and exploring new ideas. This phase symbolizes new beginnings.

What you should do: 

  • Exercise - Running, cardio or high-intensity workouts (HIIT) is recommended to counterbalance the slower metabolism during this phase.
  • Recommended Food - Artichoke, broccoli, carrot, parsley, green peas, string beans, and zucchini.
  • Habits: Try journaling your feelings and thoughts. Organize your goals and tasks for the coming weeks.

Phase 2: The Ovulatory Phase

Duration: 3-4 days in the middle of your cycle

What’s happening in your body:

This is the period right after the follicular phase. In this phase, a mature egg is released from the ovary into the Fallopian tube (the tube connecting the ovary to the uterus). Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates the release of an egg and the estrogen hormone rises. The lining of the uterus gets thicker. There is a rise and dip in the level of testosterone. There is a slight rise in the basal body temperature.

This is the only phase during your menstrual cycle when you can get pregnant. Not surprisingly, it’s characterized by feeling social and communicative.

What you should do:

  • Exercise: High-intensity exercise, bodyweight training.
  • Recommended Food: Asparagus, brussels sprouts, chard, escarole, scallion, spinach.
  • Habits: Socialise and network during this phase. Plan conversations and hangouts with friends and family. Talk about your vision.

Phase 3: The Luteal Phase

Duration: 10 to 14 days after ovulation (Day 14 - Day 28)

What’s happening in your body:

The rise in hormones keeps the uterine wall thick and ready for the implantation of a fertilized egg. PMS symptoms may be noticed due to rising estrogen levels in comparison to progesterone (aka estrogen dominance). Towards the end of this phase, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone peak and then begin to drop to their lowest levels. Metabolism speeds up during this phase. You might experience low energy levels and a lack of social stamina.

What you should do:

  • Exercise: Shift to easier workouts and gentler movements. Activities like yoga, walking, Pilates, and easy bike rides are recommended.
  • Recommended Food: Cauliflower, collard greens, daikon, onion, parsnip, radish, squash, sweet potato.
  • Habits: Focus on touch-ups and wrapping up projects. This is the time to have a greater focus on detail. This is the phase to check off items on your to-do list and to accomplish the goals you set during the follicular phase.

Phase 4: The Menstruation Phase

Duration: Days when you’re on your period.

What’s happening in your body:

Lo and behold, the blood arrives. Your hormones are at a low point. The inner lining of the uterus is being shed (that is if pregnancy did not occur). The left and the right part of your brain communicate the most during this time.

What you should do:

  • Exercise: Restorative and relaxed workouts like very light yoga and gentle walking.
  • Recommended Food: Beet, kale, kelp, mushrooms, red meat and kidney beans, and other protein-rich food and healthy fat.
  • Habits: This is an ideal time to sit with your thoughts. Reflect on what’s happened over the last month, journal your feelings and cares, and practice gratitude. Mindfulness must be the main component of your life at least in this phase. Set intentions and core values for you to work on in the next cycle.


Most important step: 

Take out your SOQO’s period underwear! Don’t have one? Buy your first pair at the earliest. It’s a comfortable and sustainable alternative to period products like pads, tampons etcetera. It keeps you worry-free with its leak-proof fabric which provides total coverage. It also keeps you guilt-free since it is made up of reusable, environmentally friendly bamboo fabric. Its moisture-wicking surface keeps you free from the icky feeling of periods and discharge. 

Head to our product page to buy SOQO’s period underwear at the earliest.



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